We specialize in providing architectural design services at all stages, starting from preparing designs and ending with executive plans, which include design stages, developing architectural ideas, preparing engineering plans for construction, electrical, and sanitary works. Our services also include architectural rendering of facades, preparation of bills of quantities and quantitative specifications.
Our services include:
- Safety and electromechanics
- Survey engineering
- Real estate and land sorting
- Output and development
- architecture
- Issuing technical reports of all kinds
- Modification of Construction Licenses and Building Components
- Updating old building permits
- Transfer of ownership of construction licenses
- Sorting Construction Licenses
- All Baladi Services
- Issuing electronic building permits in cooperation with Baladi
- Issuing all types of construction licenses
- Issuance of Construction Completion Certificate "Works"
- Issuance of restoration licenses
- Issuing the cadastral decision for all construction works
- Cadastral survey and concentration of agricultural, residential, commercial and existing buildings with the submission of cadastral sketch or concentration form with the CD
- Sorting and merging residential lands and merging agricultural lands
- Sorting apartments and residential units
- Detailed architectural lifting of existing buildings
- Receiving and concentrating construction rules
- Issuing technical reports and building safety report
Omran Tech..
We are OmranTech Group for Industry. Through our group, we carry out architectural contracting works. and architectural engineering consultancy, And the workshop of carpentry, decoration, interior and exterior finishes, and each of them is divided into its own section, and all of these departments carry high competencies in the implementation of works